

Sembreak started almost don't know how  many week liao...haha..And I at rawang almost one week le..decide to come here need to think again and again,it force me to put alot things in penang,especially my darling,her and my work....MISS them so much!!!;( one more week then i can back penang le...i am very bored now...nothing i can done....haiz...keep finding people chat with me..hahaha..one thing i proud of myself is i first time drive highway then  drive until rawang..haha...let the people who look down me feel regret of herself..



05 九 24 ☀️☔️

 倒数7天,谢谢同事请吃饭🥰 下班了就一个人去吃了晚餐,逛了Queensbay和Aeon,买了一些必需品和蔬菜 特别享受一个人的时光,想干什么就干什么,想吃什么就吃什么 过后就回家继续追剧😁😁 突然朋友打来求救电话,我拒绝了贿赂,就让他叫警察照着程序走,开罚单 随后我回想有...