

Sem 3 started..! And my life just fill in with work and study.. Will it very dry ??? I not sure.. But I enjoy my life full of busy because it will help me to stop thinking about negative thinking and not enough time for me to emo..haha
I hope I can have more more happiness in my life..!!!
We have 1 week din meet Liao..miss you so much lo ...geli nia..haha ,yesterday make happy abit,though the pig pig is for me ,manatao just a photo only...=(
Yesterday night was so..don't know how to imagine the feeling..first time drive car with tired and tears.. But it help me to sleep well yesterday night...=)

*hope to see you soon!you make my life full of happiness,you are my happy's medicine..xD hahahaha
*old piccc..^^

冷静期第二天 26/3

没啥想说的,就这样吧 无奈😮‍💨 等待是需要耐心的 处理不了的就交托吧 我也不会了 不是埋怨上帝、不是埋怨身边人 就是埋怨自己吧 先享受现在的生活吧,努力存钱,继续宅在家 我不管了