

Student's life is always about assignment..
I have a lot too..
But I was too lazy to touch 'them'..
Recently was not sleep well but i can't find out a solution to solve it..
Sometimes I feel I very stress, but i don't even know what the reason that cause the stress..

Headache now..But I can't sleep.
How?who can teach me a faster way to fall into sleeping..?

冷静期第二天 26/3

没啥想说的,就这样吧 无奈😮‍💨 等待是需要耐心的 处理不了的就交托吧 我也不会了 不是埋怨上帝、不是埋怨身边人 就是埋怨自己吧 先享受现在的生活吧,努力存钱,继续宅在家 我不管了