
Christmas 2014

Christmas is over!!!!
left 4 days then is another new year 2015!!
Looking forward to my internship and my graduation!hahahaha (not sure can graduate successfully or not)
Thanks God for giving me such a meaningful Christmas celebration this year.
Thanks God for giving me have a chance to feel the love that given by a family in Christ.

Anyway,i feel so grateful that God Blessed me so much throughout this year.

Its all about my Christmas in 2014!And this year is the most meaningful and full appointment Christmas celebration throughout my 21 years life. I really feel so blessed and appreciate it!

07 December 2014 Pre Christmas Celebration~ Cell Group
First Christmas Present in 2014! Exchange present
so surprise when I get it!! I can hang my photos now!!Thank You Ah Bin.

19 December 2014 Pre- Christmas Celebration with my uni-mates!

With Andrea and Stella~

With Nicole~
With June~ Accidentally took tiok same expression~hahax
With Andrea Chang~ Future Famous Pianist~hahaha

2nd Christmas Present~small tupperware~exchange present~

21 December 2014 Christmas Celebration in LXBC- The Story

Group Photo

Wefie Time~
Make up of the day~ Thanks to Ah Ying and Jenny help me make up and hair-do

23 December 2014 ~ small gathering to chit-chat before Christmas Eve~

Caffe Mocha -2F+ cafe  

Waffle Nutella Jam with Banana~

Good Posting Johanna~

Took photo with the tea spoon..haha

Christmas Eve~ lok lok after a musical concert in mainland.

Christmas buffet lunch at Park Royal~ Thanks for the treat! I feel so blessed!


Boy Boy with his balloon gun~

3rd Christmas Present~ Thank you so much!

With Jie Jie~ 

Christmas present from jiejie~ 

*When Jesus Christ live in your heart, everyday is celebration of  Christmas.

Life Game心得

8/12-11/12 参加了LIFEGAME
1. 不要因为忙碌而忽略了上帝
2. 救恩不是等到你有时间才去找的
3. 有时机会就在你面前,失去了未必还会再有的
4. 地上的荣华富贵,不是我们要去追求的,我们应当去追求天上的荣华富贵
5. 无论顺境或逆境,时刻仰望,依靠阿爸天父
6. 不要总以为自己是一个人,神常与你同在
7. 谨慎面对外面的诱惑(金钱,物质享受etc)
8. 希望身边的人可以去参加



 该给的机会已经给了 付出的也付出了 最后被人说得一文不值 算了