
Chumphon Mission Trip 2018


14th-21st Oct 2018
Was my first mission trip to Chumphon, Thailand.
Was my experience to overnight in train with church mates.
Was my first time to take up the responsibility as VBS music teacher.
Was my first time being proactive to start a conversation with strangers during mission trip.


回想应该是2017年吧,因为换了工作,所以没得拿假去Chumphon短宣,所以就给自己做了一个决定,若是2018年短宣不是在quarter end (March, June, Sep, Dec) 举办,那就不管怎样都要去参加。结果得知今年是在10月份,那我就下定决心去报名了,我想我应该是第一个报名的吧!哈哈(不知羞耻😆😆)

好了,报名了,假也请了,那就没问题了。可是上帝却抛了一个难题给我,就是我要带领Music Station,也就是我要学舞蹈然后再教小孩子跳舞!这简直就是...我的心情和言语都不能形容😓😓😓 这真的是我25岁最大的挑战,虽然我参加了应该有3,4次短宣吧(忘记了),但我都是以帮手的身份来参与短宣,没想到这次我却要以带领的身份来参加短宣。突然就倍感压力。感谢神因为今年的营会就只有60到70位的小孩,2017年的听说是400到500位小孩子。


还有一件事就是我特别特别的感动,一定要记录以免我多年后忘记了。这事情是发生在第二天的营会,我就只是想说我随便在孩子群中走走吧。结果有个女孩名字叫做phingphing,她先开口跟我说 “ I miss you! “ 顿时我也不知为何就马上回应”Thank you, I miss you too!” 接下来我们两个见面就开始以 I miss you 为口号,搞笑吧!哈哈哈哈!



好啦,谢谢大家读了和看了我长长的感言!Thanks for reading!!😘😘


We sit KTM from Butterworth to Padang Besar.

Group Photo in train when heading to Chumphon!

So happy food is here, but we feel cheated because we purchased from wrong seller.

Feel so happy when the cup is big and filled with ice. Milo Ice!!

Chit- Chat before sleep - This is the situation in train. We reached Chumphon around 3am (Malaysia Time)

Prepare to set up decoration for VBS.

Coffee needed for everyday in Chumphon! Hahaha!

Music Station 

We celebrate aunty Chiew Ying's birthday! The cake is nice! Yummy!

Have a visit to Chumphon seaside. The color of the sky is very very very...don't know how to elaborate... God's creation amazing!!!

The first girl I met in Chumphon that attended VBS camp.

Chicken! Nice! First photo with pastor Daphne. 

The girl beside me is called Phing Phing who is the first one said ' I miss you' to me! hahahahaha

Wefie #1

Wefie #2

Wefie #3

My dance supporter!! Always dance and won't feel tired! He love to dance!

Wefie #4

The quietest girl I met! 

Wefie #5


Big Group Photo!

Wefie with chicken! 我的生肖!

One of the best seafood I tried!!

Malaysia Team vs Thailand Team

 I knew them more during this mission trip!! 人不可貌相!

Videos of performance!
Last practice and we feel not good enough!😆😆

Learning section! 'Who You are'

Opening worship performance by teachers & helpers!👍👍 
VBS Theme Song (Galactic Starveyors)

Performance by Jupiter & Neptune Groups.😍😍😍😍😍
Performance #1 'Over the moon'

Performance #2 'Sin messed everything up!'

Performance #3 'Who You Are'

Performance #4 'How Far Love Goes‘

Performance #5 'Stars’

Thank you for your patient!!!




 该给的机会已经给了 付出的也付出了 最后被人说得一文不值 算了